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Who Ate the Butterfly?

Series : Follow the Food Chain

Starting with the Sun, this book looks at a food chain in a Central American rainforest, from a pea plant to a wild cat called an ocelot.

Price: $22.95 (hardcover)

Who Ate the Frog?

Series : Follow the Food Chain

Starting with the Sun, this book looks at a pond food chain, from duckweed plants to a bird called a heron.

Price: $22.95 (hardcover)

Who Ate the Penguin?

Series : Follow the Food Chain

Starting with the Sun, this book looks at an ocean food chain in Antarctica, from tiny plants called plankton to a large whale called an orca.

Price: $22.95 (hardcover)

Who Ate the Snake?

Series : Follow the Food Chain

Starting with the Sun, this book looks at a desert food chain in the Sonoran desert in the United States, from a prickly pear cactus to a coyote.

Price: $22.95 (hardcover)

The Impact of the Internet

Series : Impact on Earth

The Internet gives us information at our fingertips and puts us in touch instantly with anyone in the world. It reduces our need to use paper or travel long distances to meet, but its growth has come at a cost. Find out how we can stay connected without harming ourselves or the planet in this insightful look at the Internet and social media. Case studies reveal the environmental impact of producing and discarding the computers and other devices we use to access the Internet, as well as the human toll from serious problems such as cyber bullying and online addiction.

Grade 4 and up
Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

The Impact of Food and Farming

Series : Impact on Earth

Modern farming allows us to buy almost any kind of food at any time of the year. But this convenience comes at a cost. This important book shows how we can farm and grow food without harming the planet. Case studies show how scientists are investigating ways to prevent the problems modern farming creates, including pollution from chemicals used for growing crops, clear cutting of rainforests to make space for grazing and farmland, and contributing to climate change by breeding more and more livestock. Useful suggestions encourage readers to find ways to reduce their food waste and packaging.

Grade 4 and up
Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

The Impact of Travel and Transportation

Series : Impact on Earth

Modern transportation lets us travel farther and faster than ever before, but these developments have come at a cost. This book explores ways we can move around without harming the planet. Case studies show how scientists are working on cleaner fuels and new forms of transportation in order to prevent pollution, which affects people’s health, and greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. Find out how we can contribute by changing our own transportation habits.

Grade 4 and up
Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

The Impact of Plastics

Series : Impact on Earth

Plastic pollution is one of the most urgent environmental problems facing our planet. This timely title shows how we can stop plastics from doing further harm. Find out what plastics are, how they are made, and why they are so widely used. Case studies reveal the negative impact of plastics on the oceans and coasts, as well as in our landfills and food chains.

Grade 4 and up
Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

The Impact of Energy

Series : Impact on Earth

Most of our energy has come from oil, gas, and coal. Find out how we can heat and light our buildings, travel, and power our computers and devices without harming the planet in this resourceful title. Extracting resources damages the environment, and burning them contributes to global warming. Case studies show how scientists are investigating renewable energy sources, how to make homes and buildings more energy efficient, and how we can use less energy by changing our own behavior.

Grade 4 and up
Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

The Impact of Building and Cities

Series : Impact on Earth

More than half the world’s population live in cities, and that number is rising. Find out how we can create buildings and cities without harming the environment. The growth of cities can lead to overcrowding, pollution from transportation and factories, and the release of greenhouse gases from buildings. Case studies show how scientists, architects, and planners are investigating how to build more energy-efficient houses and more sustainable cities.

Grade 4 and up
Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

Garbage or Recycling

Series : Good to be green

Nasir and Nadir are making a robot for their school’s junk model competition. They must use garbage that can be recycled. So just what can they use, and what will happen to the garbage they throw away? Follow their story to find out why we should use less plastic, what happens at landfill sites, and how we can reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

Don’t Waste Your Food

Series : Good to be green

Amara’s dad says they shouldn’t waste food. But why is this such a big problem? Follow their story and find out what happens to food waste, what can be composted, and how to reduce the amount of food we throw away.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

Save and Repair

Series : Good to be green

Molly’s bedroom is a mess and her toys are everywhere. She trips over one of them and hurts her knee, so she decides to sort through her toys to see which ones are worth keeping. Follow her story and find out why Molly's mom won’t let her just throw her toys away, and how we should reuse, repair, and share our things.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

Turn Off the tap

Series : Good to be green

Tia’s mom is always telling her not to waste water. But why is this so important? Follow her story and find out why water is precious and what small steps we can all take to help save it.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

Save the Animals

Series : Good to be green

Leo is sad that trees were cut down in nearby woods to make way for new houses. He has lost his special place to play, but more importantly, many animals have lost their homes. Follow his story and find out about the loss of animal habitats, the problem of climate change, and the small steps we can take to protect the planet and its wildlife.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

Let’s Walk to School

Series : Good to be green

Tom and his mom usually drive to school, but they always get stuck in traffic. Follow his story and find out what happens when Tom walks to school, and why walking is so much better for our planet—and ourselves!

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)

Centipedes and Millipedes

Series : What Lives in the Dirt

This beautifully illustrated title explores the wonderful world of creepy-crawling centipedes and many-legged millipedes! These wonders of nature use their many legs to scurry around in dark, damp places looking for food and shelter. Find out more about these amazing movers.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)


Series : What Lives in the Dirt

This beautifully illustrated title explores the wonderful world of tiny ants. Did you know that ants would eat almost anything they can find, including fruit, fungus and dead animals? Find out more fascinating ant facts with this wonderful book.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)


Series : What Lives in the Dirt

This beautifully illustrated title explores the wonderful world of slimy worms. Worms get rid of dead leaves and animals, and their poo makes soil full of goodness to help plants grow. Find out more fascinating worm facts in this amazing book.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)


Series : What Lives in the Dirt

This beautifully illustrated title explores the wonderful world of the slithering snail. Snails have a silvery, sticky mucus that they leave behind as they move. One of the slowest creatures on Earth, they move at a top speed of 45 miles per hour (1 cm per second). Find out more fascinating snail facts in this colorful book.

Price: $26.95 (hardcover)